Greeley Ponds via Mad River Notch
This is an easy out and back trail to Upper and Lower Greeley Ponds, in White Mountain National Forest. Note: distance to east end of Lower Greeley Pond is 2.2 mi, and the elevation gain is about 500 feet. The red line on the map shown above is not the track of the Greeley Pond Trail.
Getting Started
Parking is in a small lot on the south side of the Kancamagus Highway, 4.7 miles east of the LIncoln Woods area and .9 mi west of the Hancock Overlook. It may not be plowed in winter, so look for pull-offs .2 mi east or west of the lot. This is the most popular route for winter climbs of East Osceola and Osceola, so parking may be a challenge even if the lot has been plowed.
The trail leaves directly from the lot and climbs gradually, eventually reaching Mad River Notch, then descending to Upper and Lower Greeley Ponds. With a car spot you can hike through to the Livermore parking area in Waterville Valley (this description is only for an in-out hike to the ponds.)
There are ski trails (blue diamonds) in the area which allow only skis or snowshoes, no barebooting. In winter, the trail is likely to be packed out from the parking lot to the Mount Osceola trail, but beyond that intersection it is not as well-traveled so be prepared for trail-breaking if it has snowed recently.
Taking Children
This is not a difficult hike for children but may not be the most interesting for younger ones due to the distance to the ponds. I'd rate it as a 7 for older kids who are used to hiking 4-5 miles in a day. The Discover Trail near Big Rock Campground would be better for the younger kids.
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