
Praia da Lagoinha do Leste via Trekking Armação até Lagoinha do Leste

based on 4 tracks & routes
5.6 mi
2 hrs 43 min
686 ft
Elev Gain


This is a moderate one way trail in Área de Proteção Ambiental da Baleia Franca.

This trail goes by Ponta do Falcão, Ponta da Lagoinha, Ponta Norte da Lagoinha sobre a trilha das pedras, Praia da Lagoinha do Leste, and Pico da Coroa.

    Rate this Hike

    4 years, 11 months ago
    Super beautiful hike through various Brazilian flora environments that involves a beautiful beach and several amazing viewpoints.
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Public Tracks

There are no published trips for this hike. There are 4 private trips.

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