
Hewlett Gulch Trail

based on 82 tracks & routes #204 hike out of 490 in
7.8 mi
4 hrs 35 min
1,071 ft
Elev Gain


This hike is for anyone as it can be shortened or lengthened depending on ability. Those wishing for a shorter hike can turn around before the loop making it about a 4 mile out and back. The first section of the hike is along a creek with great foliage and flowers in the summer with little elevation change. There are foundations of historic buildings to check out along the way. The trail leads into a beautiful canyon with impressive cliffs that gets narrower as you go. There are also numerous crossings of a stream along the first 4 miles of the hike. In drier weather these are quite tame, but prepare to get your feet wet after heavy rain or during spring runoff. The loop section of the trail is open country with significant elevation change and will work out your legs. There is no water on the loop section, so make sure to bring plenty. Watch for rattlesnakes on the entire trail but especially the loop section. Shade is limited to the lower section of the trail and is sparse. Thank you to New Belgium brewing and the USFS for maintaining this trail, their efforts can be seen throughout the entire trail system here.

Getting Started

Parking lot holds about 15 cars. Map kiosk near bathroom. Toilets are available at the parking lot.

Taking Children

8 out of 10 rating for children. The lower section along the creek is a great hike for children who will find the stream crossings great fun. The wide trail with little elevation gain will enable kids of all abilities to enjoy the hike. During rattlesnake season children should be closely monitored and always kept close due to mountain lions in the area.

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Public Tracks

meg.e.chambers 3 years, 7 months ago
danndelarosa 3 years, 8 months ago
Kyle 3 years, 8 months ago
scott.dietrich12 4 years, 3 months ago
jdietri2 4 years, 4 months ago
Max 4 years, 6 months ago
jonlofton 4 years, 9 months ago
Ani Te 5 years, 3 months ago
Fun Runner 6 years, 1 month ago